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Embracing Relief: Exploring CBD Oil for Chronic Pain Management

Imagine beginning your day without having chronic pain dictate your life, waking up with a sense of freedom, unburdened by the constant throbbing, discomfort, or chronic pain that’s become all too familiar. For several, CBD oil has become an alternative to conventional forms of pain relief that’s been helping them achieve that reality.

Instead of cautiously considering each step or anticipating potential flare-ups, individuals are finding renewed energy and confidence with the help of a compound derived from the cannabis plant, cannabidiol (CBD).

Does CBD Work for Pain?

There’s a lot of buzz surrounding CBD for pain administration as an organic and effective option to traditional drugs– much of this comes from personal accounts of people using CBD oil for pain, arthritis, muscle, and even cancer pain.

Everyone’s experience with CBD may have different factors like the severity of pain, CBD dosage, the high quality of CBD products, and the method of administration can all influence the potential effectiveness of CBD oil for pain.

Ideal Type of CBD for Pain

Let’s have a look at the different forms of CBD extracts and which one is reported to work best to alleviate pain.

CBD Isolate (Pure CBD)

CBD isolate is the purest type of CBD extract, consisting solely of cannabidiol without any other terpenes and cannabinoids, like THC. Some CBD oil companies may choose to use pure CBD in their formulas as CBD isolate can be made cost-effectively in bulk and offers customers a THC-free CBD experience for people who would like to concentrate solely on the potential effects of CBD with no various other hemp substances.

Full Spectrum CBD Oils

Full spectrum CBD extracts consist of a wide variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, and various other favorable substances from the hemp cannabis plant, including trace amounts of THC– but well within the legal limit of 0.3% or less.

By preserving the natural synergy between these substances, full-spectrum CBD uses the ability for an enhanced therapeutic effect called the “entourage effect”.

Broad Spectrum CBD Oils

Broad spectrum is similar to full-spectrum CBD in that this extract includes a wide array of cannabinoids and terpenes but with no traces of THC. Broad-spectrum CBD undertakes an additional measure from full-spectrum CBD– an additional refining process like chromatography or filtering– to remove THC while keeping various other cannabinoids and terpenes. If you have to avoid THC in your CBD products, we recommend broad-spectrum CBD oil as your second-best option. 

When to Take Your CBD Oil for Pain Relief

Some people find it useful to take CBD oil in the morning to manage pain throughout the day, while others prefer taking it in the evening to promote relaxation and calming sleeping.

You can also divide your dosage and take it in multiple smaller doses throughout the day for constant alleviation. Some individuals take CBD oil preemptively to stop pain outbursts before they potentially occur. For example, if you experience pain due to physical exertion or specific triggers, taking CBD oil before engaging in those tasks or exposure to triggers may help reduce pain.

On the other hand, some individuals prefer to take CBD oil when pain develops, for effective pain comfort only when essential. Innovative CBD is a family-owned business, we offer premium organic cbd products from organic hemp CBD oil to pain relief topicals, and vapes to edibles.