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fast flowering 42 days

fast flowering 42 days

White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy: A Complete Guide

White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy is a rare and potent strain developed by Dankmaster Old School Genetics. This strain results from meticulous breeding and selection, resulting in a plant that exceeds expectations in terms of potency, terpene profile, and flowering time. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the origins, characteristics, and cultivation tips for this exceptional strain.

Origins and Lineage

White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy is a unique creation of Dankmaster Old School Genetics, born from a combination of Double CripXmas and Tampa Crippy strains. The Double CripXmas strain is a result of crossing CripXmas A F3 with a second Xmas male, resulting in a plant that passes on the coveted popcorn plant trait to its offspring. The Tampa Crippy lineage adds to the genetic complexity, resulting in a strain that combines the best traits of its parent strains.


Potency: White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy is known for its extremely pronounced potency, making it a favorite among seasoned cannabis consumers. The dense coating of trichomes contributes to its high cannabinoid content, delivering a potent and long-lasting high. 

Terpene Profile: This strain boasts a complex terpene profile, with aromas and flavors that range from sweet and floral to earthy and spicy. The combination of terpenes contributes to the overall sensory experience of consuming White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy.

Flowering Time: One of the standout features of this strain is incredibly fast flowering 42 days. This rapid flowering period allows growers to harvest their plants in a relatively short amount of time, making it ideal for those looking for a quick turnaround.

Growth Characteristics: White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy exhibits unique growth characteristics, including a compact size that reaches a maximum height of 2 to 3 feet. The plant does not stretch for light and self-splits its growing shoots without the need for topping. This compact growth pattern makes it suitable for indoor cultivation or areas with limited vertical space.

Yield: Despite its small stature, White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy has the potential to produce impressive yields, with growers reporting up to 2 ounces per gallon of growth medium. This high yield potential, combined with the fast flowering time, makes it a desirable choice for commercial growers and enthusiasts alike.

Cultivation Tips

Lighting: Provide ample light during the vegetative and flowering stages to maximize growth and yield. LED grow lights are recommended for their efficiency and ability to produce high-quality buds.

Nutrient Management: Use a balanced nutrient regimen tailored to the specific needs of cannabis plants. Monitor pH levels regularly and adjust nutrients accordingly to prevent nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.

Pruning and Training: Due to its compact size, White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy may benefit from pruning and training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) or defoliation to maximize light penetration and airflow. 

Harvesting: Monitor trichome development using a magnifying glass or microscope and harvest when the majority of trichomes are cloudy or milky for peak potency.


White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy is a standout strain from Dankmaster Old School Genetics, offering exceptional potency, flavor, and growth characteristics. Whether you’re a commercial grower or a cannabis enthusiast looking for a unique and rewarding cultivation experience, White Diamonds ‘Popcorn’ FL Crippy is sure to impress. With its fast flowering time, high yield potential, and dense glazed cones, this strain is a true gem in the world of cannabis cultivation. Click here to explore more different creeper weed strains.